Tuesday 27 March 2012

100 words for grown ups week 36

 has a real twist to it-
"Now for this week’s prompt. As you know I like to be topical so I’m thinking Easter. However, I’m thinking a little outside the box! The prompt is quite simple but the trick this week is to prepare for NEXT week!
I want you to write a piece with
….‘What was the rabbit late for,’ wondered Alice…..
in it. You have 100 words making a total of 108. However, the last 10 words are going to be used to start a piece by someone else next week!! Good eh! The idea isn’t mine – it came from Winchester House School"

I LOVE Lewis Carroll's works- they are so deliciously crazy and use language in a way I could only dream about. I used Jabberwocky to inspire a previous post ( http://mrshalford.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week-7.html ) 

I have tried to write in a similar style for this challenge. Check out the others at: http://www.linkytools.com/wordpress_list.aspx?id=137743&type=basic

Alice returns...

The sun was shining magnificently. You may think this unsurprising, but as it was the middle of the night , Alice knew something tremendous was afoot. It had been so long since last she went.  Her mind filled with memories of grinning cats, pipe-smoking caterpillars,  babies which turned to pigs. Or had it been the other way around? And what about that dear dormouse? And what was  the rabbit late for? wondered Alice. Taking a deep breath she stepped through the looking glass back into a world she knew so well. However, things did not seem to be quite the same...


  1. Ooh, intrigue entering Alice's world. I love the last ten words as inspiration. Another great challenge.

    1. Thank you Lisa; actually one of the hardest things this week was finishing with ten words that might be useful for a starter. What a fun challenge :O)

  2. YEA! You captured it eloquently. I am ready to go exploring with her!

  3. Thank you :) It's a fun challenge this week- looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

  4. Great take on the prompt and interesting last 10 words to use next week.

    1. Thank you :O) I'm already looking forward to next week's to see how all the endings are used!

  5. Love to see Alice's surprise when she stepped through the mirror - I guess you worked backwards from that sentence? You're love 4 Carroll definitely shows.

    1. Why thank you kind sir :O)
      Yes, I wanted to have a sentence at the end which could be used as a prompt- my efforts at just seeing where it ended up were dire :S Working sdrawkcab seemed like a good plan.

  6. Walking down the Wonderland memory lane. :-) I like the ending, it provides a lot of room for interpretation. Here is my piece for this week:

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Am going to read your now. It's a great challenge isn't it?

  7. They never are, are they? Very good :-)

    1. Glad you enjoyed, looking forward to how people continue this week's pieces

  8. Ah, but are the ever the same the second time around? Great last line.

    1. Hope someone chooses to end/continue the story..

  9. Love your idea of Alice revisiting her world. Great ending for someone to use as a prompt next week.

    Hopefully I'll have some time in the holidays to join in again.

  10. Oh well done, Anna! You have got the feel of it exactly. And brilliant - leaving a nice opener for someone next week! I fear I blew it - I didn't read Julia's page until after posting mine.I only read the prompt words!! Go to the back of the class and stand in the corner!

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  12. Sorry about my delay in the return visit to your story. The week has been very busy.

    You know Alice's story quite well. As a child I was fascinated by her adventures.

    To return much later, things would not be the same for Alice. A small child meets everything with wonder of first discovery. As we grow, we lose some of the wonder. I can see your story could lead to new adventures for Alice, a little older, perhaps a little wiser but still open to Wonderland.

    I like you idea. :)


    1. Thanks for commenting. Yes, adults would certainly have a different view...but I hope a little part if the girl Alice remains...

  13. Oh Anna! Thank you so much for this - it is scrumptious! So like Carroll and such a cliff hanger in the end! Can't wait to see what happens next week!

    1. Thankyou Julia, I love the idea of starting something for someone else to finish- will be great to see how they all turn out :)

  14. Thanks for the lovely prompt for this week. I tried to do it justice with Alice returns (2).

    1. Thank you :O) I am glad the prompt was helpful- I am going to read yours now :O)


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