Saturday, 25 January 2014

Ofsted- notice to improve

My previous post gave an idea of the process, this one is my views!

The report is out, we are still deemed to be a "good" school.

During the process however, we were not so sure. The inspectors were too quick to jump to conclusions without enough evidence.

A lot has been written about lesson observations and ofsted. Here are some posts which I have found of particular interest:

I agree 100% with removing individual lesson grades. The new guidance for inspections does seem to be moving in the right direction (See )

This is how I think Ofsted should operate:

1. Understand that there is a lot more to a school than the data. Don't come with all the answers.
2. When carrying out observations talk to the head or other leaders before jumping to conclusions based on a brief time in a lesson- Whatever the view of  the lesson is, ask if that is a fair representation. If you don't see something, don't assume it never happens. Similarly, if you do see something ask if that is common practice.
3. Talk to the children! Lots!
4. Remember that what you say can have an enormous impact.

We have to be accountable- I have no problem with that, but I long for a time when the leadership of the school is trusted to do that effectively through non-judgemental  observations, peer observations, coaching and reflection. The role of the external agency should be to support schools in areas that they need, not just tell them what they already know. There will always be areas to be improved. A culture of support will be far more productive in the long term.

HMCI berates teachers for leaving the profession and "moaning" (
Tristram Hunt wants teachers to be licenced ( so they can be recognised.

As teachers we nurture the children we teach, we build an environment of praise and reward to encourage them to reach their potential. Surely we deserve the same?



One word that, all too often, strikes fear into the heart of teachers.
The inspection that we recently went through has certainly given me plenty to think about.

I have written two blogposts. This, the first, gives an account of the process through the eyes of a class based teacher with leadership responsibilities.  There are lots of Headteacher blogposts about Ofsted such as but I thought it would be interesting to give a teacher's eye view. Note that this is purely observational; have not added my personal thoughts or opinions. The second piece which can be found here
  is my "Notice to Improve" or "Steps to Success" regarding the process itself.

As always, comments welcome.


Lunchtime following play rehearsals , headteacher asked all staff to go to the staffroom where we were told that there would be two inspectors arriving Tuesday and Wednesday. Stunned silence (our  previous inspection was less than 18 months ago where the outcome was good. No drop in results and totally unexpected!)

Part time staff contacted.  Mass tidy up following the Christmas Fayre that took place the Friday before. Rehearsals for next two days postponed. Lesson plans needed to replace the play rehearsals that had been planned. Subject leaders printed out data from the school's tracking system and SENCo distributed most recent PP list to add to files.


Inspectors arrived at 8am. Introduced to the staff and straight into meetings with the Head. Lesson observations followed with the lead inspector carrying out joint observations with the headteacher whilst the additional inspector carried out observations. Feedback from the head to staff observed given in front of the lead inspector for monitoring. Observations lasted no longer than 20 minutes.  Inspectors heard children read and met with the Rights Respectors. There was a governor meeting after lunch and more observations and looking through children's books.  They looked at the parent view and also received a phone call from a parent to tell them what they thought of the school. Questionnaires were given to staff.

After school feedback was offered to observed teachers followed by meeting with SENCo , Maths and English subject leaders. (Both subjects seen at the same time.) This was followed by the Inspectors meeting with the headteacher. Head then fed back findings of day one to us. No clues as to who/what will be observed the next day. Initial judgements not in line with school's judgements and inspectors agreed to swap roles for the next day (lead inspector had been in KS2 with Headteacher, AI in KS1) with the Head carrying out joint observations with the lead inspector.


Inspectors arrived at 8am . Met with EYFS leader and TAs.
Lesson observations (2 in KS2, 3 in KS1) plus learning walks and noting displays, looking in books. One inspector attended the whole school assembly.  More observations after lunch followed by paper work and meetings with head teacher. Final feedback to senior staff at 3.30 then Ofsted had left the building. 

I was observed twice on the second day- for guided reading and for maths. Not all the classes were observed but inspectors spent time in all classes looking at displays and books and spent sometime sitting in central areas (we are an open plan school)

In a 6 class school, 5 classes had observations. Books from all classes had been made available but not all were looked at. They did not want to look at class planing files, assessment files or other paperwork. It was down to the Subject leaders and SENco to put them in the picture for that.

So, that is what happened on the two days- just the facts.

Please read my next post for my feedback to Ofsted...

Ofsted:Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. We report directly to Parliament and we are independent and impartial. We inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Monday, 11 November 2013


Well, today was one of the academic year's five CPD days.

One of the children in my class asked me, "Miss, what insect will you be on Monday?"
Me, "Um, well, I wasn't planning on going as an insect! Why did you  think I might be?"
"For the insect day of course!" came the reply with an incredulous look .

The penny (finally, it was Friday!) dropped. "Ah, I see ! Sadly it's not an INSECT day but an INSET day, when we go to have some training to help us become even better teachers. Although an insect day does sound fun!"

What other job are you going to have that kind of conversation in? None that I can think of other than teaching.

Well, after this morning I wish it HAD been an INSECT day. I'm sure I would have (flown) come away with some ideas.

I'm not going to name names but the morning speaker who had come very highly recommended spent the whole time telling us one anecdote after another. All very interesting (less so after break when we had no biscuits! Sealed its own fate by that time) , very interesting , but nothing new, nothing not heard before. SO, why on earth waste all that time when he could have spoken for an hour (tops) and we could have had productive follow up discussion straight after. Instead a whole morning.

I've got the task of organising a cluster INSET next year. Perhaps we should have an insect day instead?  No, I am joking- although it is almost worth a typo on the invites to see if anyone notices/comments!

INSET days must be purposeful, enthuse us and most importantly give us time to have meaningful professional dialogue. Today's session COULD have been so much more useful with a few tweaks.

These points I have taken away for future INSET sessions- would welcome comments/ suggestions:

1) Not seat delegates in rows
2) Not have more than an hour of being talked to (at)
3) Provide biscuits! (Yes, it does matter- fruit if we're being healthy although they're even worse for your teeth than biscuits with all that acid! )
4) Not try to reinvent the wheel- in one day that's crazy and been done too many times already, but avoid anecdotes and try to give teachers  things that they can actually go away and try in their classes.

These are some other blog posts which share how INSET can be ineffective. I look forward to writing about how the next one is better...

Friday, 30 August 2013

Calm down Jar

I came across this idea on Pinterest and have made a couple for the start of the new term.

There are loads of different webpages with these on; here is how I made mine.

Jars- didn't think that glass jam jars would really be suitable to give an angry/upset child so found some plastic ones on the web (300 ml seems a good size for little hands) which are "leakproof and unbreakable" ... we'll soon see.

Tried PVA glue- bad move as made the water opaque. So went for glitter glue (whole tube) some more glitter and some little beads and confetti (the type you get in a card shop made of plastic- not the wedding one HA!)

Then added a glug of glycerine (about 75 ml to the first jar which makes the glitter fall very slowly) and topped up with tap water right to the brim. Gave it a good shake and am pleased with the results.

Think I am going to superglue the lids on to be extra secure.

Plan is to use with children who are angry/upset...I have a couple of children starting with me next week who can find it difficult at times to calm down and this is something I haven't tried before. It certainly is very pretty when the glitter swirls around and it takes a few minutes to settle so not so long that it will become boring, but hopefully long enough to come down from seeing red.

Didn't have food colouring so used fountain pen ink which has given a more subtle colour. Not sure red would be a good choice!

Will blog once I have used them and share how they worked...

Monday, 5 August 2013

Job sharing in Primary- Making it work.

I have been working as part of a job share now for two and a half years. I’m still finding my feet with it but am writing this in the hope to help others who are thinking about it or starting. At the end of my first full year job sharing I blogged about how it had gone

I have really enjoyed this year- no irony in that statement at all. Even with a large class (35 at times) with the huge pile of marking, extra parent sessions, reports… There is so much in the press about teachers leaving the profession  Working part time for me has been the most positive step I have taken in my teaching career for some time. 

So, what works well in our class? Key has to be the communication. I have read about some teachers who are lucky to have some time each week when they are both in the class. Budgetary constraints don’t allow that at my school, but we do talk.
And talk.
And some more!

 We keep a book (filled two this year) in which we leave copious notes for each other. We talk on the phone at least twice a week. Oh yes, emails too! And the odd text.  Without that level of communication I can’t see how it could work effectively.  All the children and their parents know how regularly we talk about the class and this has helped us to build strong and positive relationships.  In an ideal world we would have one TA in the class who could be a consistent presence, but there are two of them as well! One works Monday and Friday, the other the middle part of the week.

We are very different in our personalities, in our teaching styles, in our interests. But what we share is our passion for teaching, for helping children to achieve their potential, to build their confidence and self esteem, to enable them to believe in themselves and to be proud of themselves, our class, our school.  We work in a school with a really well put together behaviour policy, that helps too.

When it comes to how we plan and deliver the curriculum that has been a constantly evolving process. Some subjects are split between us which works well. Maths and English (I know the terms are Literacy and Numeracy but I have a pet hate for those and insist on calling them maths and English !) Anyway, for the English this year I taught the majority of the genre work while my partner concentrated on the SPaG. This was commented on favourably by the subject leader during the course of the year through lesson observations and book moderation. We made good use of AFL so that areas that came up in my teaching needing reinforcement could be covered discretely and I would have a “zero tolerance” approach for the focus area each week. With the increased emphasis on SPaG we will definitely be carrying on with this next year. Of course there are also lots of opportunities for writing across the curriculum and we follow the Pie Corbett approach to non fiction writing and include all 6 areas each year so these are split between us.

Maths has been much more of a challenge. In the first year of job sharing we started by splitting the curriculum so that I did all the number work and my partner did all the shape,space, measure, data. This worked fairly well but my partner felt that she didn’t have enough knowledge of their ability in number.  We then tried to work as one teacher with one of us leaving plans for the other. It was a nice idea but planning for each other was very time consuming. This year we used the unit plans from the strategy and split the five units between us each term so that over the course of the yer we had both taught everything. This worked fairly well but is not the most consistent way for the children who would be doing one area Mon/Tues and another on Weds-Fri.

How are we going to organise it for this year? Not totally sure at the moment. Progress in maths was less than it was for reading and writing which would indicate that we need to look at how we are planning and teaching the subject. There have been some interesting ideas on twitter about planning the maths (   Having asked the twittersphere’s opinions it seems that the number/everything else split is the most popular…

Why am I blogging about this? Partly to share what has worked well, partly to find out how others are making their job shares work well. It’s a constantly evolving process. Being able to communicate well, trust each other, share similar values are all key points. Most classes have at least one teacher with PPA cover so job sharing is more common than one might initially think. Having someone who knows the children as well as you is a real bonus.  

Challenge for next year is to get on top of the maths and be as effective as we possibly  can. Anyone who has any tips to share please do so. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Grouping children in class.

 Last year I wrote about my experience of my first full year job sharing
Here we are a year on.  So, how did it go?

Teaching children for two consecutive years certainly has its advantages. I knew those children very well- knew exactly what they needed to work on to make good progress and make good progress they certainly did.

Whilst analysing the data it soon became clear that the year five children had made excellent progress, but the year four children slightly less so. Interestingly some of the more able children had made less than expected progress. Why should this be?

One reason could be that I focussed a lot of my guided teaching time on my most able children (as laid out in our SDP). Sure, they got good results but this has made me think carefully about how much time I devote with each group. With another large class next year (33 year 4/5 ) it will be a challenge! Ideally I would spend the same amount of time with each group but as any teacher knows that is easier said than done. Yes of course my weekly overview would structure who I would work with and when, but when using AFL and changing plans to best meet the needs of the children the groups themselves are changing .

Could the fact that the younger children in a mixed age class can feel eclipsed by the older ones and does this inhibit their progress? Certainly the majority of year five children  I taught this year made a lot more progress than they had the previous year when I had taught them as year fours.  Was this all down to the fact that I knew their skills so well? That they were so confident in the class set up that they were able to flourish? That being the older ones in the class gave them a heightened sense of responsibility which in turn improved their capacity for learning? 

This September I will again have a y4/5 class  and be carrying on with 14 children from the 12/13 academic year.  It will be a challenging year with a large class, a lot of children on school action and school action plus (just like any other class) along with the fact that my job share partner has moved on and a new appointment will be made.

So, what are my priorities? 

First of all consistency is key so should my temporary job share partner not continue, it will be all about making a new partnership work effectively. Although new to job sharing I feel that it has been a very successful partnership ; I will blog about it over the summer.

Secondly grouping the children in mixed ability groups most of the time. I use working partners (thanks to all the brilliant AFL resources by the wonderful Shirley Clarke and have groups of children needing interventions as appropriate. I am thinking of having discrete groups of more able in maths/english (still focus on the SDP) but the rest of the groups to be mixed.  I have always used a variety of grouping methods but gone back to traditional ability groups for the majority of maths and english lessons.  Will it work? That’s the challenge.

So I would really like to research a bit more about grouping the children. All my colleagues favour ability grouping. I’ve always played it safe with grouping in abilities for the majority of maths and english lessons.

I make good use of scaffolds, TAs, top tips, success criteria and various other methods to enable children to access their learning. But when the children do work in mixed ability groups (always for science and practical subjects) there is so much more of a buzz going on.

Have you moved away from ability groups? How did you find it? What worked well and what didn’t?

I will blog about how it goes once the term is underway.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Be a sticker not a quitter.

The angle was very acute.

This is the prompt for the 100wc this week. However, I have decided to write something else completely!

Be a sticker not a quitter

I have this written in my classroom above the board and it is something I find myself saying over and over again. As a primary school teacher not a day goes past that a child doesn’t find something difficult until that magical light bulb moment when you and they know that they have grasped the concept. It doesn’t matter whether it is being able to spell a word, make a prediction, work out a calculation, interpret a chart, spot the mistake , tie a lace… each and every step along the path to learning is important.
I feel it is vital to give children the confidence to have a go, even if they are not sure if they will be right or not, so that they can experience the pleasure that comes from success. And to learn to cope when things don’t go their way.  It seems that more and more this “stickability” doesn’t come naturally.
So, have I got a solution? I try to have an ethos in my class where every child feels safe and secure to have a go. We make good use of working partners and I have been totally sold on the use of lolly sticks (or similar) to choose children rather than hands up. Even the least confident children in my class will have a go and take part. Now that , in my opinion, is what teaching is all about. Empowering children to have the confidence to ask questions, want to find out more, not be afraid to have their own opinions.
I have been busy trying to organise a project involving all the local schools and have had to write a lot of letters, make a lot of calls and write a lot of emails . But, it is all starting to come together now.  
So, whatever comes with new curriculum proposals, I will keep true to my class mantra. If only the “powers that be” could remember that it’s all about the children, that it’s our job as educators to enthuse, engage, inspire a love of learning. Give them the tools to be able to find out more.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch.

Amen to that. 

Worry? Me?!

Accepting impermanence is often quoted as a key to adopting and embracing mindfulness. Easier said than done. If I had a penny for every tim...