I was lucky to go to see War Horse during the summer holiday.http://warhorselondon.nationaltheatre.org.uk/
It was one of the most moving theatre productions I have ever seen. Stunning performances, breathtaking puppetry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7u6N-cSWtY
My Grandfathers fought in the second World War. My admiration for the courage shown by men and women who have represented , and continue to represent our country is immeasurable.
I listened to Jeremy Vine's show yesterday, the songs my son loved, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016vx7v and was moved to tears by the strength and courage shown by the family of the young man who died in Afghanistan.
My entry this week is my tribute to the soldiers.
Sons, husbands, friends, lovers,
Grandsons, partners, nephews ,brothers,
Cousins, uncles, mates, strangers.
For our future put themselves in mortal danger.
“What do we do sir?” croaked George as he lay wounded. Blood and mud mingled, the putrid stench of death filled the air.
His officer stared silently. All around men lay dead or dying.
“Sir?” How old was the lad? 17? He was one of the lucky ones.
“We go home, lad. We go home.”
16 million men, 1 million horses.
Died for us, for the lives we lead now.
Wear a poppy with pride...lest we forget.
Read the others at http://jfb57.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week-18/
Read the others at http://jfb57.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week-18/