Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Holiday Science Fun

Am planning to try this out with my niece and nephews. ( 5,7,9)

I bought these tiny rainbow beads online - (you can also use the silica beads that come with trainers ) a couple of pounds for thousands of them.

All you need to do is pop them into a container of water

These have been in for a couple of hours.

Simple activities can include counting , how many different colours, holding the container up to the light.

Pop a hand in:

How many am I holding? Two?

Fabulous! The clear beads are so difficult to see when in the water. Lots of fun to try to guess how many there are and then take out one by one.

Further activities can include timing how long they take to grow, if different colours take more or less time. Can also see how long they take to return to normal size.

How about trying a salt solution? Or pop some food colouring in.

Lots of potential for measuring , weighing and if you have a torch handy see how the light is refracted by the spheres. See what happens if you hold one above some writing.

If you've tried this, let me know how it goes.

**Important** don't throw these down the drain when finished with..they can be dried and reused over and over . If they must be thrown away they'll need to go in the general household waste.

Have fun!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Things can only get better

Having recently been to a meeting of the Teacher Reference group at the DfE, I was heartened by the clear intent to actually listen to the profession.

Assessment in KS2 has been widely criticised since the hasty implementation of the 2014 curriculum. Last year's results were, let's say, mixed.

Being in Year 6 I have been right in the middle of the changes- raising standards- good. Having high expectations- obviously good.

BUT the present system was rushed in and is clearly not fit for purpose.

The consultation (due to close 22 June) is gatheing opinion right now- fill it in if you haven't already.

Quite what will happen remains to be seen, but I came away from the meeting with a lightness in my step as it really does seem that those involved in assessment at the DfE have recognised the flaws and are committed to working WITH the profession to have a system which will be fit for purpose.

Let's hope they carry through and that the present crisis in retention and recruitment will turn the corner.

Monday, 23 January 2017


Having read various blogs on the subject, I thought it was pertinent to share this link to a FREE Platinum subscription to @twinklresources Twinkl 

I run a class blog and we all sign up to our blog rules each September- they are

Keep safe – don’t reveal any personal information.

Write in good English – including grammar and punctuation.

Be polite – Don’t post anything that could hurt anyone.

Always show respect – be positive if you are going to comment.

Remember that a blog is public- anybody can read it- so be sure to make sure you always do your very best .

All posts and comments are checked before they are published.

I often talk to my class about the importance of being kind to each other- as Year 6s they are super confident being the oldest in the school, but before long they will be the little ones again in the secondary school where the friendships made at primary school are so important for those first few days in particular.

There are so many things we have to teach to our children, but in my opinion kindness is one of the most important. What a wonderful world we would live in if everyone was kind :)

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year. 2017. To blog or not to blog? To Tweet or not to Tweet?

As I scroll through my timeline I see a wealth of teachers pledging to blog more regularly, weekly or otherwise. I feel slightly in awe of them and wonder how they manage to find the time to write so regularly and look over at my own blog and berate myself for my lack of posts.

It’s easy to feel disheartened when there are so many great blogs out there (see for a list of top education blogs around the world) and ( Teacher Toolkit’s list- the most followed education blog in the UK)

BUT , and this is the important thing, IT DOESN’T MATTER if you blog weekly, monthly, randomly (or not at all!) What matters is that you do what works for you. I have a blog to reflect upon things that I have done and it is so interesting reading past posts and looking at how I have made changes or improvements to my teaching.  Unless I have something to say that hasn’’t already been said, I don’t tend to blog. So I don’t make lists of educators to follow or influential blogs but like to think that some of what I write will strike a chord with others and perhaps give them food for thought.

When I take part in forums on twitter (my favourites are #PrimaryRocks on Mondays 8-9pm, #ASEchat Mondays 8-9 pm #uikedchat on Thursdays 8-9pm and #SLTchat on Sundays 8-8.30pm ) It’s easy to think that this is where it is all happening- and a lot does happen in them for certain. I have met some amazing people as a result of twitter and had opportunities that I may not have come across otherwise.  And lots of those people aren’t on any lists but have so much to share and I am delighted to have the privilege to have met many of them as well as to interact online with them.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the vast majority of teachers aren’t even on twitter; and that many of those who are don’t use it regularly. I have run several workshops about the benefits of using twitter which have resulted in teachers joining, but most of the teachers I work with don’t use it at all.

Here’s my list of why you should use twitter- I’d love to know yours.

1)      Fabulous networking tool (especially if you teach in a small school)
2)      Great way to share ideas and resources
3)      A sounding board where you know people will give their opinions
4)      Fast way to hear about policy changes (saves trawling through the almost-impossible-to-navigate website)
5)      Ability to communicate with educators across the country and beyond
6)       Quick access to some excellent blogs about education
7)      Great way to keep positive through the changes

Why do I think teachers don’t use twitter?
1)      privacy issues- accounts can be made private, but this is an understandable issue for many
2)      spam spam spam- I don’t find this too much of a problem- I just block and report
3)      time- always an issue. Twitter is so different to facebook insofar as you can’t possibly ‘catch up’ on what has happened since you last logged on- hashtags are a fab tool to search for interests and it’s a case of going with what is happening at the time.
4)      Negativity/arguments  It can be all to easy to limit one’s followers and following to those who always agree with you/have the same outlooks . it can also be easy to get drawn into some , shall we say, scratchy discussions. For me, I follow a range of tweeters and don’t generally get involved in scratchy discussions- but it is always interesting to see a range of ideas and points of view. If someone doesn’t want to follow me, or I don’t want to follow someone then so be it- I don’t waste time worrying about it. I stick to positive tweets and sharing good practice which has worked well for me so far .

HAPPY NEW YEAR .  I’m planning to keep trying to persuade colleagues to give twitter a try- that’s my first NY resolution. Bring a friend to twitter.

Who else it up for this?

Worry? Me?!

Accepting impermanence is often quoted as a key to adopting and embracing mindfulness. Easier said than done. If I had a penny for every tim...