Wednesday, 14 September 2011

100 words for grown ups week 10

I thought this week’s prompt from  Julia was a tricky one and have been racking my brains; so far have tried and dumped a news report, an attempt at an interview and a short story about competitive neighbours (was quite pleased with that but managed to delete and save a blank doc- duh )  Have read a very interesting (as always) variety of pieces so far.

In the end I decided to carry on with the ever faithful Kit, here goes...

Kit pulled open the door to the garden. As with the house, it was a mere shadow of its former self.  Pushing the trailing creepers from the wisteria and honeysuckle to one side, her feet found a familiar path. Scents evocative of summers long past filled her head. Each step she took seemed to transport her back in time. Her pace slowed as memories flooded back.
 A buzz from her pocket snapped her back to the present. Whilst reaching for the phone  she saw it, faded now, but still recognisable. She smiled as she remembered her Grandmothers love of topiaries.

Hmmm, really felt like a learner doing this one!  Good way to unwind after a busy day at work though. Loving my new class; all bright eyed and bushy tailed, full of enthusiasm. Great. But, after the break finding it hard to get things done! If I have said "Get a wiggle on!" once, I said it a thousand times today. Have learnt from experience that it is vital to NOT try to do too much with a new class in the first couple of weeks, as it is so important to build relationships and ease children into their new class. Being new to job sharing also, am very aware that the class have two new teachers to get their heads round (and a trainee starting next week too!)

Early days yet, I have every confidence that in a couple of weeks they'll be raring to go... Oh yes they will :) 


  1. I thought the prompt this week was particularly evil, so I've really enjoyed reading everyone's entries to see what they made of it. I knew it wouldn't have you stumped for long. I loved this piece - really liked the idea of each step she took on he path taking her further into the past.

  2. Thank you Sally-Jayne. The prompt has certainly produced a variety this week. Helped me unwind at end of day :-) wonder what next wks will bring...

  3. Beautiful, Anna. A moment vividly captured. Makes me yearn to return to a childhood haunt.

    Wishing you well with your new class!

  4. Thankyou :-) still a child at heart :-) Early days and tomorrow is a new one

  5. I was walking along that path - beautiful. I liked the link to the present with the buzz in the pocket. I enjoyed reading this.

  6. Scents do have that wonderful ability to prompt memories!


  7. Thanks for the comments. I was walking down that path with her. (She, unlike me, does NOT have hayfever lol) Thinking cap on for further development of Kit... I'm sure I can make something of her.

  8. I love this one. It is so gentle and reflective. Thank you so much for taking the time to contribute. It is great to share this talent of yours!

  9. Thanks Julia *blushes* for your very generous comments.

  10. I could visualize it. Beautifully written. laurie @ Battling My Inner Critic

  11. Some great phrases, quality writing,enjoyed! GSussex

  12. Thanks for taking the time to comment...wonder what the next prompt will be ? ...


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