Monday, 10 September 2012

100 words week 57

I haven’t taken part in the 100wcgu since July as I have been concentrating on a variety of mini writing projects as well as recharging ready for the new school year.  Now that the new term is underway I will endeavour to take part as often as possible in an effort to improve my writing skills. This week's prompt is:
...returning to the routine...

I have (so far) been unsuccessful with my submissions to various websites and competitions but will keep trying!

As always, constructive criticism is welcomed J


The alarm snaps me out of my dreams and the incessant bass of the music drums out the final vestiges of sleep. I reach for the snooze button, glowering at the illuminated numbers. I haven’t seen this time since the last day of term. I reluctantly leave the music playing, swing my legs over the side of the bed and half stagger to the bathroom, eyes beginning to focus. Not until the water is pulsing over my body do my eyes open fully. Stretching, I dry off and sing along. A new term and class awaits; retuning to the routine isn’t so bad.


  1. ooh getting back into a routine after 6 wk hols is a shake up! good how a shower helps!

    1. thank you for reading and leaving a comment. Yes, I just can't face the day until I have been in that shower ;)

  2. I quite enjoy the idea that so many of us are returning to similar routines with similar sensations. Solidarity is a comfort when the alarm shrills so early.

    1. I think the theme will be similar for many; thank you for reading and leaving a comment.
      Let's hope everyone doesn't switch their showers on at the exact same moment and blow the power grids!

  3. well written imagery; starting with personal pronouns get repetitive but other than that, critically, its really good. :) nicely done!

    1. thanks for the feedback- havign read it again it is a bit repetitive with all those "I's".
      note to self- don't hit submit quite so fast!

    2. The personal pronouns didn't bother me at all until reading this comment and re-reading your submission. Now, I have to agree. It might be an interesting exercise to rewrite without using "I" so much. But how?

  4. Ah, but that first painful day of waking up early is such a challenge. Good luck with all your submissions. I've got to start doing more.

  5. Very nice. I hope your new school year is prosperous

    1. Thanks for reading and your good wishes :)

  6. Nicely written and totally realistic. Mind you, nott sure about the swinging of the legs before the shower. In my case, I would say more of a tentative grope for the floor before the staggering....

    1. Thank you- yes, the swinging of legs is maybe wishful thinking ;)

  7. You captured those moments where one slowly realizes that what they're waking to is something they actually want.

    You asked for constructive criticism, but all I have, in terms of practice for those pieces you're sending out, is to come at composing these little stories as a way to expand your use of language in conveying scenes. What angles or phrases could take a piece farther from the realm of what you and we have heard many times before?

    1. Thanks for your comment; yes trying to move away from the ordinary is the way I need to move...

  8. Alarm clocks. Bane of our lives.
    Not a morning person, I'm afraid...

    1. I love it when I can just wake up myself; not with the alarm. Hey ho!

  9. Nicely done, back to the new school year. x

    1. Thanks; and here's to trying lots of different approaches to writing...

  10. And so we begin a new class and a new adventure.
    Great work!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Next week will see if I can do something a little different...


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