Saturday, 11 February 2012

Teacher training...some thoughts

Yesterday I spent the day with a group of GTP trainees. ( )
The purpose of the day- to raise confidence in planning/assessing/teaching Science at primary level, increase understanding of pitch and expectation, continuity and progression.

In a day!

I have run a similar day as part of the Dorset GTP programme for the past four years. Evaluations at the end of the day are always welcomed and enable me to make alterations/improvements for the following year.
The day went well ( even though it was the Friday before half term !)

I will embed the powerpoints I used at the end of this post- I made a concerted effort to minimise the amount used to enable as much time for reflection and discussion between the participants- too often this is overlooked (by myself on previous GTP days also) and I was particularly pleased with this aspect of the day.
I left feeling energised (even on a Friday afternoon) following energetic, stimulating and challenging discussions.

I have been interested in ITT since qualifying back in 1991 and have been lucky to be involved with B.Ed and PGCE students from Plymouth University when I worked in Cornwall. Now I am a school based tutor with the Dorset SCITT ( ) where I also have the opportunity to tutor a DT at KS2 session (coming up in March this year!)

I have blogged previously about the positive impact working with trainee teachers can have )

At the end of the day, I read through the evaluations  and noted how many had commented on the positive impact of having input from a currently employed teacher. I thought back to my own training and remembered how few of the lecturers had any recent teaching experience. It seems as though this is still the case. The Dorset SCITT has a part time teacher in the Deputy Director role ( a colleague and friend of mine :) ) and I know that she is hugely respected for many reasons; not least for the fact that she teaches ,so is able to talk about up to date classroom practice.

So, what it the point of this blog post? To ask if there are opportunities for teachers to be involved in ITT through secondment . Once you are out of the classroom you can't possibly have the same impact as someone who is doing the job or has had recent experience. (In my opinion) Of course you can keep up to date with changes and have a clear idea of what makes an effective lesson.
(Of course this can also be applied to Ofsted inspectors, but that's a whole new can of worms)

I LOVE being a teacher- but I would like to combine this role with ITT . I could , of course, leave teaching and get a job doing this- but that goes against what I have been saying about teachers with current experience having greater impact on trainees.

With the move to more "training schools" and teacher training "on the job " surely there is a need to give teachers greater opportunity to work with trainees as part of their own CPD?

Trainees need to be given support from a range of teachers during their training and early years. They need quality training for subject knowledge, child development, safeguarding, planning, assessment et al
They need to observe a range of teachers in different schools at different stages in their careers.
They need input from experts in education; head teachers, consultants, teachers, other trainees

I would be most interested to hear from anyone who has been involved in ITT on a basis which has enabled them to maintain their teaching role too. I would also be pleased  to hear from trainees and teachers as to what aspects of their training they found had particular impact on their teaching.

Maybe there are wider opportunities for teachers in larger schools or who are in close proximity to ITT providers. Maybe I am not looking in the right places. What I know is that I enjoy working with trainees. Feedback received indicates that I can do it effectively; so what next steps can I take?

Here are my presentation slides.
Thanks for taking the time to read; if you have any comments at all please share.

Introduction to Primary Science Session 1

Experimental and Investigative Science Session 2

Planning, Differentiation and Cross Curricular Links Session 3

Assessment and Record Keeping Session 4

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

100 word challenge week 30

This week, Julia has opened the challenge up both to adults and children. Yippee- I have done one for the class blog and am very much hoping this will inspire lots more of the children to take part. I don't believe in MAKING the children do it  and wont have time to do it in class time . Rewarding and encouraging those who take part and giving them time in school to go on the blog is the approach I am taking.
 Working part time, it is certainly more difficult to keep the blog high profile, but there has been a steady growth in children's and parent's interest. To be honest, even if just one child benefited from it I would do it. Many more than that use the blog so I will keep plodding away!
Anyway, I was a bit nervous about sharing this blog with my class - as a teacher I am always careful about what I write, but after talking to several people whose opinion I value, I decided to do a separate one on the class blog.
It's such a fab prompt though that I'm doing one here too :D

 The shared prompt is …it wasn’t my fault… All the details are on Julia's page at

If you're interested in having a look at my class blog it is My entry can be found at

All the ones the class do will be linked to the children's 100WC page.

Anyway, enough digression.
Here is my post for the challenge:

"Mama, it hurts!" wailed Charles.
“Let me see my dear."
Gingerly, he opened his hand revealing an angry blister.  Trembling slightly, she kissed away his tears marvelling at his impossibly long eyelashes. “MARTHA!”
“Yes Ma'am, how...” Martha  stopped. “I was watching him, he was quick as an eel, slipped into the fireplace, it wasn't my fault.”
“Enough!” scolded Mama, “Take him to nurse and have her bandage his hand. We shall talk anon.”
As she swept out of the room, Charles looked triumphantly at Martha. In his other hand was what he’d plucked from the fire. Her face blanched when she saw it.

Book review

I was recently sent a copy of, "MY DEAR, I WANTED TO TELL YOU." by Louisa Young, to review for WH Smith.

I finished it late last night, so , hot off the press, here is my review.
If you read it I would love to know what you think of it too!

My Dear I Wanted to Tell You by Louisa Young – review

This book promises much: “This is the most powerful book you will read all year. You will want to tell everyone what happens in it. Please don’t.” So, it was with great anticipation that I began to read.

 The first half tells how the central characters, Riley and Nadine meet. However, the description of life in pre war London and the differences in class don’t draw the reader in. The characters were likeable at best and bland at worst.

As the war takes hold, the contrast between the life for the soldiers in the trenches in France and their waiting families in England is stark, but you are left wondering where it is all going.

However, the pace and intensity of the story increase towards the middle when it reaches a fast boil; from then the story becomes utterly captivating.

Riley is wounded and sent to the Queen’s hospital in Sidcup to recover. Here he is treated by the (non-fictional) surgeon , Major Harold Gillies. The surgery is absolutely fascinating (graphic and shocking at times). The contrast between the personal battles fought by the characters and the war is powerfully and sensitively written.  The title comes from the standard issue postcard wounded soldiers sent to their families; the “slight injury” indicated by Riley becomes the first of several lies told.

Much of the remaining story is told through the correspondence between characters in London and France, and it is these letters that make you desperate to know more.

Throughout the second half of the book I found myself reaching for the tissues; and as the book came to a close I was left wanting more- to know how their lives turned out, if they triumphed over their inner demons.

So, would I recommend it? Most definitely. A complex love story set against the horrors of the first world war, a story of personal battles and hopelessness. A story of friendship, loyalty and hope. I shall certainly look out for more books by this author. 

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

100 word challenge

I am very glad that half term is not far away; am shattered at the moment. The return of the cold weather has made waking up on these dark mornings even more of a challenge! And our esteemed education secretary wants teachers to work longer hours.
The children are shattered by the end of the day as they go from one guided session to another. 
I remember ERIC (Everybody Reading In Class) when we spent half an hour EVERY DAY  (usually after lunch) reading FOR PLEASURE!!! None of the guided reading sessions, none of the reading activities and reading journals, reviews and the like.
It was a lovely part of the day where we as teachers modelled reading with our classes. Children are like flowers- they need the sunshine and fresh air. (Thanks Mum for this quote :) ) NOT longer hours in school.
Longer school days aren't going to be the answer. Less pressure on teachers to get children to make "more than expected progress" and more time to teach them a love of learning. Now THAT would get my vote.

OK, rant over.

Now onto the challenge.
This week, 100 words to include the word Wednesday.

Here's mine:

Old English wodnesdæg "Woden's day" (chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god.)
 In Middle English time (12th century) this became wednesday, or wednesdai .
 The latin form , dies Mercurii, meaning day of Mercury,  dates to the late 2nd or early 3rd century . (Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, theivery, eloquence and science. )
 Many European countries follow the latin form closely- mercredi (French), mercoledì (Italian), miércoles (Spanish) Mercuri (Corsican), miercuri (Romanian). 
The German name for the day, Mittwoch(literally: "mid-week"), replaced the former name  wodnesdæg in the tenth century. Most Slavic languages follow this pattern and use derivations of "the middle".

Now, I'm not sure if I have followed the rules here really, but I didn't know this before now. I knew about the Wodin part, but hadn't really given it much thought. Write the day on the board in school without a moment's thought each day. Tomorrow I will share this with my class.
Check out the others at I am going to take a look now.
Next week I shall try something completely different...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

100 word challenge for grown ups- wk 28

Goodness; this is the 28th WCGU; I think I have done most of them so far; where does the time go?
I have been really pushing the children's 100WC with my class recently and have been thrilled to have more taking part; challenge now is to get the parents on board with the whole blogging idea. There is a lot of distrust out there with blogs it seems. although many of the children use the internet for all sorts of things. I haven't been able to put my finger on it yet.
It doesn't help that so many blogs are filtered out at school- I have been trying (unsuccessfully so far) to persuade my HT to let us unblock various sites but he is reluctant to do so. 
I understand that there are lots of things on the web which are totally unsuitable for primary aged children, but school filters are somewhat of a "head in sand" approach to internet safety. Surely we need to teach children how to use the internet safely...
Anyway I could go on and on about this, but wont for now as I need to think about how to integrate blogging more effectively into my teaching and encourage parents to do so too. 

In the meantime, this week Julia  (  has given us a word prompt    : bought her what…

That plus 100 words is the format. My first plan was for a Dad and a son to have bought the same thing for their wife/mother but that didn't work, I tried to see if I could use the ever faithful Kit (see previous 100WCGU entries) but that didn't work either, so I have gone for this...partly influenced by an incredible video a friend of mine sent me a link to...

 “You bought her what?  Are you mad?” Kay’s eyes were so wide that Sky was beginning to wonder if they’d ever revert to usual.
“Sometimes you’re SO dumb!” Kay grabbed the phone, “Fine, let’s see what Jo thinks of it; she’s known Mum like forever.”
“Whatever.” Sky nonchalantly twirled her hair as Kay made the call.
“Yeah, hi, um can I ask you something?...... Sky’s only gone and bought a.... Oh, you already were with her? Oh....but.........OK, bye.”
Kay glared angrily, her eyes narrow slits.
Sky smiled sweetly, “Mum’s had enough of Zumba- pole dancing is her latest fad. I think it’s cool.” 

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

100 words week 27

Well, this week Julia has set quite a different challenge: " This week, you are all going to be critics. You are to choose a piece from last week and write a critique of it." More details at

To be honest, the idea of critiquing someone's work filled me with dread- I am doing this weekly challenge in an effort to improve my writing and am delighted if anyone reads it and leaves a comment- if that comment offers some constructive criticism then I'm even happier.
BUT... that's me!
Anyway, it is an interesting challenge and I am sure the entries will be great reading.
You can find them at

I am writing about Hurtled to 60 and beyond's piece- Autumn's Auction (

Autumn, the proverbial black sheep of the family, makes her return in this thrilling instalment in the series. Autumn, well dressed but lacking in morals, continues to cause her family heartache and despair , disregarding her late grandparents wishes whilst leaving a path of destruction in her wake.
In a mere 105 words the writer is able to draw you into this tangled web of deceit and family feud. How will it end? Will Autumn get what she deserves? You will have to wait for the next chapter to find out. I have a feeling that Autumn has a few more tricks up her sleeve.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

100 words for grown ups week 26

This week the challenge was 5 wordsAghast  Aquamarine  Aeroplane  Acted  After    to be used within a creative piece.
My first idea was to do a ten 0'clock news report but I couldn't get it quite right, so have gone for a news report instead.
All the details can be found on Julia's blog at 

These are such fun to do and have made me realise just how hard it can be to come up with ideas! I often talk to my class about doing these and have shared many of them with the children when we have been writing on similar themes. It has certainly made me much more understanding of the child who sits in class and says, "But I just don't know what to write!" It doesn't happen too often, but when it does I make sure that I have provided plenty of prompts and quality examples of writing. I love all the Pie Corbett resources and try to incorporate lots of the "Talk for writing" strategies into my teaching to empower the children.
Anyway, I digress.
Here is my effort at this week's prompt. 

Dangerous  creature on the loose

Residents of Kensington were aghast to find their well tended gardens in disarray after an uninvited creature visited and acted inappropriately towards their prized pets. Witnesses have described a lizard-like creature, the size of a large family dog.
At the time of writing there are no photographs. Here is our artistic interpretation:

This creature should be easy to spot with its bright aquamarine skin. However, for safety, residents have been advised not to approach it , but to call the police. How it came to be here remains a mystery; perhaps concealed amongst baggage on an aeroplane or freight ship.

It's ( nearly) Christmas

 So the end of term happened and the blogging dipped off as the pace of term and inevitable viruses tamped up. So have I disproved my previo...