Well, Julia has excelled herself this week with her weekly challenge :) http://jfb57.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week14/
When I saw this last night I had NO idea at all what to do with it. I couldn't believe how fast some poeple have got their entries in- and the more I read the less I knew what to do.
I love the cockney rhyming slang inspired post by Dughall http://dughall.posterous.com/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week14 chuckled at Alison's interpretation http://abgreenteacher.blogspot.com/2011/10/100-words-for-grownups-week-14.html and was blown away by Sally's http://wordpress.sjbteaching.com/wp/?p=543
So, what to do.
Well, I have tried to do something different- some word play. Have fiddled about with it as much as I can for the moment. It's certainly different to anything I have tried before. Thanks again to Julia for posing a great challenge.
Alphabet – 26 letters, endless combinations and possibilities
Alphadet – Well, it is a recession (FTSE and GDP have a lot to answer for)
Alphajet- the way to go (JAL, BMI and VLM)
Alphalet- where k, q ,x and z go when they are feeling underrated
Alphanet- the place where knowledge is sourced and shared (http://www.alphanet.com)
Alphapet- anybody who’s anybody wants one
Alphaset- the “in” crowd
Alphavet- where to go when the letters just wnot cmoe in the rghit oedrr
Alphawet- for inclement weather (rain, thunder, foggy)