Saturday, 7 April 2012

100 words for grown ups week 37

This week’s prompt was to use one of last week’s pieces !
I had been wondering how to choose which to do (in a moment of madness thought I might try them all, but life takes over!) but Julia took that dilemma away by asking each person to do the one after theirs. So that meant I was to finish off Lisa’s  (find it at
To be honest I felt pretty nervous about continuing hers- if you haven’t visited her blog do so as it is great.
But nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here is this week’s piece. Lisa, hope you like where I took it.

 Alice and the King

“Now, there just must be a way.” thought Alice.
 Alice crossed her fingers before taking a tentative hold of the purple moss. “How doth the shining crocodile...” she murmured, not looking down.
She scrambled up to find herself face to face with both the King of Hearts and the white rabbit!
“Oh my dear, dear girl, how marvellous to see you. You’re just in time.”
“In time for what, your majesty?” Alice curtseyed politely.
“Let’s begin from the end shall we?” replied the King, patting a plump patch of moss into shape. “The Queen has indeed lost her head this time...”


  1. I think this is wonderful, Anna. Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog.

    1. Pleased that you liked it; having read some of the others, maybe I shouldn't have been so anxious to try to carry on in a similar style; but I enjoyed the challenge of doing so :O)

  2. Of course Lisa would like it,as she says it's wonderful. i didn't even get the concept and just used the ten words to stick in my own story :-(

    1. Thankyou, and it doesn't matter how you used the ten words, my understanding was to use them to start or as a prompt. Yours was fab :-)

  3. What a wonderful piece. You have done this perfectly x

    1. Thank you Susan; I really wanted to carry yours on but my efforts were comical rather than mysterious (and not in a good way) so deleted for all time!!
      Always next time though...


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